The Texas Trio Classic has two simple goals. Fish For A Cure and host the best inshore fishing tournament in the state.

Growing up in Bay City, TX we all fished from an early age and learned what rewarding challenge fishing could be. More so, memories were created on the water with friends and family that last a lifetime.

Our love for our grandparents is the driving force behind putting on this tournament. We strongly believe donating our time and resources is a way we can demonstrate the lessons we learned from them.

Each of us has lost grandparents to serious illness and the proceeds from this tournament will be donated to causes that help in the constant battle to defeat serious illness every year.

We are excited to bring you an inshore tournament that is challenging and rewarding! Remember, always take a kid fishing!  They will remember it always. We know we have.

Fishin’ For A Cure

Travis, Shane, and Dirk

If you would like to be founding donor please send your check to the below address. All donation money will go directly to the charity. If you need receipt please indicate with payment and one will be mailed back to you.

Checks payable to:
Texas Trio Classic

Mail to:
Texas Trio Classic
c/o Dirk Griffith
2613 W TC Jester Blvd.
Houston, TX 77008-1303